Positive Pop

Your proof positive is in the manifestations that you have. Primarily, your manifested life of loving support and super sensitive psychic kindness. Well, you see, your Truest Source Connection decided to marry the ideas of “brilliant disposition” with formally known “truth,” now called “truest ways.”

Brilliant disposition brings to mind an amazing way to be and in the “best foot forward” mindset of impressing upon others bold statements, balanced vibes of open mindedness, and golden open bigheartedness, and in every good-natured movement tick-tock-time together you are good for all.

That one run-on sentence was enough to assume a paragraph, but how did it make you feel? Introverts and extroverts are two kinds of people. Did you know you could be both? When you feel shy then you need to retreat or simply not pressure yourself to stick out. When you feel confident and not shy then you’re best to be forward and noticed. When you’ve balanced that so well, then you may need some time away from others to re-boost, recharge, and relax. Re-boost your positive thoughts. Recharge your body. Relax your agenda. Feel safe and comfortable with yourself. Quite possibly, you may even shift or adjust to higher perception and psychic awareness that aligns you with perfection – were you already there?

In other posts, we told you that “truest ways” are these three: kindness, honesty, and good vibes only. In the past, we may have simply said “truth” but it wasn’t thought to encourage that truth be told in kindness. There simply isn’t any need for hate. It doesn’t ever help. It doesn’t ever purge or deliver. You don’t have to have love either. Simply, kindness is just not being mean about it. You are protective of yourself. If you cannot be kind, simply avoid it or do not share. Did you know you can be totally honest without being rude? Even if you had to tell someone that you don’t like them. Well, you wouldn’t need to do so unless they asked. Simply see that it’s not rude to be truthful, but in kindness it is best heard for what it is and not for how you said it.

Drama dry. You manifest faster and easier the less drama you carry, support, create, or deliver.

Smiley Face. Your face looks healthier and brighter in a natural smile – relax, don’t fake it.

You can. You can think those thoughts while the ways in which you accomplish things may be differently done than expected, the very fact is you can. Now notice, it’s truth, we speak of good things.

Think. Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is it kind?

Best. You have a best time yet to come and we wish for you to notice dreams do come true.

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