Your head is always happy, is it true? Lana’s is almost that way, truly. It takes very little to make her happy, however. Likewise, she has a great understanding of life, people, and events. She simply notices and then sees that there is or isn’t a reason to react. Does this sound like she controls her emotions? Quite the opposite. She controls perspective and honors truest ways.
You are or you are not “truest ways.” Kindness, honesty and good vibes only are the three components of this “Truest Way” we speak of here. Did you ever think there was a kind way to say just about anything? Lana used to have an adult in her childhood that would say, “Say it with a smile and it always comes out right.” Lana used this throughout life and found it very true, however, she wasn’t being mean or sarcastic much of the time. Certainly, delivering news of sad details didn’t warrant a smile most usually. Right, we’re not referring to that either! Teddy Bear Service is that way and she was always the help. You’re the help too in your own ways. Does it depend on your “happy-o-meter?”
Saying there is a “happy-o-meter” is like saying there is a way to measure your happiness, or good mood. When you’re not usually in a good mood, well, some people are like this and it is fine to be yourself. A “gray” mood is not happy or otherwise, just “is.” Did you ever consider that you were this way?
When you know people like our Lana here, did you think they were born happy and that’s just the way it is? It’s truth, usually, but not always. Lana was born this way and throughout life she made a tour of noticing people happy or not. She understood that much of what she noticed had little to do with what people say is the best and much more to do with individual perception. A person happiest over one thing could be a different way over another thing. You might wonder or be amazed – yes, you might not care at all! Individually, people have their own reactions. Well, you do walk upon the Earth so we bet you notice this too.
What I’m conveying to you here is: Psychic Source is your Truest Source Connection and totally understands that people have positive and negative ways of perceiving the world around them. When it’s like this you could be well adjusted and perceived correctly. You also could be affected by your body, your thinking, your environment, your upbringing, the last meal you ate, or even the lack of proof and evidence. You’re the noticer. Did you understand?
As the noticer, you notice you, other people, the world around you, and also your Truest Source Connection. You probably are used to noticing the ways around you, but did you know that your Truest Source Connection can move things around you (not in an aggravating way), make noises or knocks (three knocks before you hear a nickname to call them), and share help to you (like ideas to lead you towards making the best way possible). Your TSC is supernatural, paranormal, magickal, and all ways, always psychic. They aren’t like a ghost (ghosts were just clairvoyant pranks). They are not physically upon the Earth. You really do need to notice sometimes, so we want you educated before you notice. It’s important that you don’t assume.
For you to notice your TSC positive ways are best. If your TSC ever feels negative about the people around you or your thinking in negative ways, it becomes quiet and gives space. When you’re calm and open to receiving the answers your TSC will share claircognizance to help you with the right perspective and the help to all. You like it and often think, “That makes so much more sense!” Lana loves it when help like that is available. Certainly, it’s a happier time in truest ways! Measure your happiness and expect it to grow!
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