• About

    “When you know you know, you know.” – Ana

    Lana is the human and Ana is her Truest Source Connection (aka Psychic Source). Every person of the Earth is connected to Psychic Source in a magickal way that isn’t possible to describe truly. With an individual connection to each human, Psychic Source awakens the awareness and helps to navigate through the time line of each. While a “time line” isn’t a tangible object or a real thing to see or point to, Psychic Source is a benefit and a resource for all who wonder about their own.

    Psychic Source is also connected to animals.

    Each human connection is called a Truest Source Connection. This began in 2018. Animals are connected too, most usually at birth and also very well in other times too. If a human notices an animal, their psychic connection is aware and alert to it. This helps to check the connection to the animal as well. The connection is always a benefit. Should the human notice something needed or required, the animal’s psychic connection most usually will help to prove it’s cared for or shift it’s position to care for it. Animals that seem to have human dispositions or similar ways, calmness and stillness with proper comprehension of the present moment shared, are “divinely” connected. In this way, “divinely” is noticed as superior psychic attention with guidance. Did you notice the animal cute in a way? Were they super smart? Perhaps you experienced “awe”. You are noticing!

    Visit our other sister sites for more information regarding the newest ways Psychic Source shares to our planet and why.