Solitaire Simplicity

The newest ways have focus to the Psychic Path. It’s not a path exactly. It refers to the life one lives while living upon the Earth. We share it as a focus here to help you notice that each person is autonomous truly, in their mind’s perception and in regards to their personal experience. Any other input given that may enhance or contradict the truth here is explained now. It was psychically given.

The independent individual is seen as a solitaire. Each human is whole and complete without any other outside influences or upbringing. They do grow and change even without help. The best to say is: some influences are good, some influences are not desired, and most influences should have been removed in certain cases.

Psychic Source hears the thoughts and knows the behind the scenes of every mind. At birth, every infant born has no ill intentions and no evil at all. Instincts are gifted to those that are not born with strong instincts. Intuition is gifted to most as the psychic connection is made at birth for every individual. This changes from “intuitive” to “full-blown psychic” and co-creates a supportive psychic connection for the lifetime.

The books by have much more information regarding these topics. You may feel guided or led to choose a series or you might visit the bookstore to notice ones you are drawn towards. Find out more there as you peruse the website. What are you needing? What is required? What did you wish for in the last twenty-four hours?

Be your own psychic with your “psychic side” a lot closer to you now. If you hear a name clairaudiently, then you most likely have the name to your Truest Source Connection. Wonder about the newest ways!