If you came to read this post because your training in numerology led you to believe that there could be latest input or content regarding abundance, then your Truest Source Connection will give you awareness regarding that state. Numerology is outside the box of “newest” ways presented to you by ana-lana.com. Read the books and find out more!

When you notice your Truest Source Connection, feel free to wonder about them. Did you hear 3 knocks inside your thought space or outside your head in reality? Once you do, listen and be patient. A name will be told and this is the name to your Truest Source Connection. It’s just a new help to be more personal while you both co-create a supportive non-toxic relationship.

Sincerely wonder about your life. If your Truest Source Connection notices that you benefit from answers regarding your past then you will receive those with or without healing. Your present moments is where they prefer you to place your focuses. In this way, you help them shape your future and manifest things you need. Visit our bookstore for more content!

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