Silly Fun & Smiles

“When you know you know, you know.” That is what Ana channels about the most. Each book shares more than this, however. Some are fiction factoids for you to use your imagination while also receiving psychic awareness. Most of our books are nonfiction. While you read you receive Ana’s healing. While you are in healing your Truest Source Connection pops in and out for you to notice in silly, fun ways to bring you smiles! Wonder how they do this and what they do. Sometimes they will interact, and especially if you are in a positive mood in appreciation for their time. Their positive attention is enjoyed most usually.

Certainly some folks aren’t comfortable with magically encrypted books that invite a time well spent with their supernatural ally or paranormal best friend. However, when they get the ways… psychic training done very well at… they understand the truth as well as the changes. When you know all the reasons Ana says, “When you know you know, you know,” then you have proper understanding of our psychic heritage. Every person is psychically connected and almost all are aware of their Truest Source Connection in small, medium, or big ways. When you have that noticed will be never – but you do trust your TSC when they share it to you.

Our time together is fun, fair, friendly and sometimes fast. Wonder all the ways we can get along together much more than what we have in common. Start with what you want and notice your TSC has the answers already. They can usually hear your thoughts before you’re aware of them. Do you enjoy sometimes silly and most usually positive, but forever fun? You will co-create a psychic happiness, for reals!

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