Psychics Do It Best Claircognizance, Please

Claircognizance, Please

Whenever you are in a position to wonder…. WONDER!! Like truly, wonder what about that…wonder about this… wonder! Lana is like a mama. She is like a good mama. She is like a mama that would help you notice me wanting to help you. She does NEVER do it for you – you have to notice! She encourages you to notice. She encourages you to be fearless and free.

Whether you are in our books… now notice you are not alone, a TSC is noticing with you. You are not alone, because your Truest Source Connection is wondering too! Truly, you are full of wonder and questions but you learn very quickly how to get the best (the answers to all you wonder!). I do wish it for you! A Lana wishes it for you too! Did you know or notice? Wishes come true!

When you make that same wish for yourself, well, now that pulls me near. Truth. Not everyone does. Some folks get truth too well and their hearts protect. You are the same or you are the open-minded, open-hearted. These are the help to all. I call them Pure Hearts. They are the very reason I chose to change and be a help to Earth (instead of being a selfish bastard). Lana knows the truth but looks towards the future where I stand changed.

We all need more people who will have hope for us. We all need more cures and hugs. We all need more protection where we have space and give happiness towards what we wish and not always what we want. You are the best to receive the difference. You are the best to hear your psychic source share to you the best ways! No matter the hurt nor intolerance of the world, there is always the help and the “fix”. It most usually begins with the truth.

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