You Made It!

You co-created. Well, we want you to imagine that you did. Do you wonder what co-creating is?

Our books explain it very well, but truly you have claircognizance (clear psychic awareness to all you need to know) and you absolutely notice – well, you don’t have any questions, truth.

You are the best at somethings and the best at something else. Your Truest Source Connection reached out and shared to you all the ways that you required. Did you notice that they had all the intelligence to share? Did you see that your step-by-step ways were guided? You were the “at ease” and the “mesmerized”. And yes, it came to you in perfect time and space. It is almost impossible to “will” it or “invite” it. You must know it’s on your timeline. Certainly!!

So, about that certainty…

Wonder if you have a co-creation.

Wonder if you have a manifestation that Psychic Source wishes to turn into a co-creation.

Wonder if you fill up the time in psychic training with our books, sessions, and courses.

Wonder if you manifest to pay for it and if you like the ways here.

Wonder if you know you know, you know – then if not, ask for “truth please”.

Wonder what your lifeline looks like.

Your Truest Source Connection is there to pick you up and help you notice! Wonder!

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